September 3, 2009
Cool Stuff from Europe: “Wall Street” English and More
Back from a record-length vacation (two weeks without email!) and the papers over there are filled with stories about banker bonuses and how the French have gotten their bankers to agree to some restrictions. French President Sarkozy pushed hard for these restrictions and he intends to make it a big point at the upcoming G-20 summit so that French bankers don’t seek employment elsewhere. Here is a WSJ article from last week describing these developments.
On a lighter note, I thought I would share a few vaca videos that may interest you:
1. “Wall Street” English
One of my favorite moments in Paris was spotting a billboard on the subway promoting the Wall Street Institute, which promises to teach you how to speak “Wall Street” English and more. Maybe talking the talk in Paris is all it takes to be an i-banker? Here is the billboard:
2. Public Company Offerings in The Hague
While walking down the street in The Hague, I spotted a storefront which had a host of securities law and compliance books – unbelievable, eh? – including one entitled “Prospectus for the Public Offering of Securities in Europe.” See if you can spot it:
3. Dancing Along the Seine River
One of the nicer sights in Paris wasn’t in the guide books. We first spotted it during one of the river boat rides in the Seine – folks of all ages swing dancing along the banks (and many more just eating cheese and drinking wine). The second video below is a closer look as I went in to investigate. Like a storybook come true:
– Broc Romanek
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