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since 1975.

December 23, 2009

The New Rules: Corp Fin Issues CD&Is as Transitional Guidance

Yesterday, Corp Fin issued five new Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations to deal with some of the transitional issues posed by the February 28th effective date of the new executive compensation and proxy disclosure enhancement rules adopted last week, thereby tackling the “big question” that I blogged about last week. Learn more in Mark Borges’ “Proxy Disclosure Blog.”

Our Practical Guidance to Help Implement the New Rules

As all memberships expire in a week, you need to renew for this site (and our other publications) now to obtain practical guidance on how to comply with the SEC’s new rules. We have two companion webcasts lined up for just after the new year begins – we pushed up our webcast to January 7th – “The Latest Developments: Your Upcoming Compensation Disclosures – What You Need to Do Now!” – featuring Mark Borges, Alan Dye, Dave Lynn and Ron Mueller.

And to handle the other new SEC rules that don’t deal with compensation issues, we have a webcast on – “How to Implement the SEC’s New Rules for This Proxy Season” – featuring Marty Dunn, Amy Goodman, Ning Chiu, Howard Dicker and Dave Lynn to be held on January 6th. Renew for both sites now (or try a no-risk trial if you are not a member).

Sample D&O Questionnaire Items

In response to the SEC’s new rules, Dave Lynn and Mark Borges are drafting up the new items you will need now in your D&O questionnaire as part of the Winter issue of “Proxy Disclosure Updates,” which will be delivered just after the new year begins. This issue will not just rehash the new rules – it will provide practical implementation guidance.

Remember that “Proxy Disclosure Updates” is a quarterly publication that is part of Lynn, Borges & Romanek’s “Executive Compensation Service (which includes the just-completed 2010 Executive Compensation Disclosure Treatise in both hard-copy and online on Try a no-risk trial now to obtain this important issue hot off the press when it’s done…

– Broc Romanek