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February 8, 2010

New Rules: “Lightning Fast” Adjudication of New Cases Filed in Delaware Chancery Court

Below is some news from Francis Pileggi of Fox Rothschild, as excerpted from this alert:

A new voluntary expedited procedure for new cases – under these new rules – is coming to the Delaware Court of Chancery. It will provide a new streamlined, “lightning fast” litigation timetable for the adjudication of certain types of business disputes that fit within the parameters of the new rules. Highlights of the new rules were presented last month by Chancellor William Chandler to the Delaware Bar.

This new procedure gives new meaning to the term “alacrity.” It is designed to provide another option to litigants seeking expedited or summary proceedings for certain business disputes that fit the new “streamlined” process provided for in the new rules that will become effective on February 1, 2010. Learn more in this memo.

Treasury Releases First Quarterly PPIP Report

A few weeks ago, Treasury released its initial quarterly report for the Legacy Securities Public-Private Investment Program. The report includes a summary of PPIP capital activity, portfolio holdings and current pricing, and fund performance.

In addition,Treasury has released a TARP Warrant Disposition Report, which provides an overview of the warrants received by Treasury under TARP and an explanation of the warrant disposition process and the results achieved.

January-February Issue: Deal Lawyers Print Newsletter

This January-February issue of the Deal Lawyers print newsletter was just sent to the printer and includes articles on:

– Now is the Time for a True Walkaway Number: Model Disclosure for Your CD&A
– Our Model CD&A Walkaway Disclosure
– RiskMetrics Revises Poison Pill Policy; On-the-Shelf Rights Plans on the Rise
– Defining the Rules of the Road for Differential Consideration in M&A Transactions
– SEC Staff’s New Guidance: Facilitating Lock-Up Agreements with Registered Exchange Offers
– Earnouts: A Siren Song?

If you’re not yet a subscriber, try a 2010 no-risk trial to get a non-blurred version of this issue on a complimentary basis.

– Broc Romanek

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