Providing practical guidance
since 1975.

February 18, 2010

We Win Top Blog Honors!

As I blogged a few months ago, this blog was placed in the ABA Law Journal’s “Blawg 100” for the second year in a row. The ABA then pitted the top 100 blogs against each other in a voting contest – and I’m proud to say that we easily emerged as #1! Thanks to those that bothered to navigate a difficult voting system – registration was required and only one vote was permitted per person (even though many offered to vote as many times as permitted).

Here is a breakdown of the top 10 blogs as voted upon in the contest (culled from these results; here are the vote counts):

1. Blog – 426 votes
2. TechnoLawyer Blog – 388 votes (has an asterisk because cash prizes were offered for votes!)
3. Above the Law – 355 votes
4. The Legal Satyricon – 266 votes
5. E-Lessons Learned – 233 votes
6. Jonathan Turley – 216 votes
7. Patently-O – 204 votes
8. China Law Blog – 158 votes
9. The Volokh Conspiracy – 149 votes
10. Social Media Law Student – 148 votes

Although I’m not a big believer in “lists,” the honor is humbling and I’m glad we were able to prove the widespread loyalty of those who read this blog. All too often I see this blog surprisingly not on the top of the few lists that compare the relative popularity of legal blogs, when I know that this blog is more widely read than “JohnnyBoy’s Kansas Farmlaw Blog.” I’m not disparaging farm law at all – it’s just that I know many thousands get this blog pushed out to them via email and RSS feeds (as well as Securities Mosaic’s Blogwatch) and there can’t be that many farm lawyers in Kansas (another example – we are below the “Biker Law Blog” in this list; in fact, we are not even on that list!). Those lists use metrics that don’t account for all the pushing out that this blog does – over 20,000 get this blog pushed out to them in one form or another.

In the “small world” category, I grew up in the same Chicago apartment complex as Professor Jonathan Turley – who has the #6 blog and is an international legal giant. Maybe now he’ll buy me a lunch.

Former General Counsels as Directors

In this podcast, Craig Nordlund, former General Counsel of Agilent Technologies, discusses his career path, including:

– What has been your career path?
– What are your plans for your new retirement?
– What attributes would someone with your type of background bring to a boardroom?

How to Implement E-Proxy in Year Three

We have posted the transcript of our popular webcast: “How to Implement E-Proxy in Year Three.”

– Broc Romanek