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August 23, 2010

More on the “SEC’s ‘Revolving Door’ Under Review”

Recently, I blogged about how at least one Senator wants a review of the “revolving door” of the SEC. In the “Legal History” Blog, Dan Ernst recently wrote about how the issue is as old as the SEC is – that is over 75 years old.

For me, it’s a non-issue in most cases as rules already exist that address those folks that most likely need a “cooling off” period (ie. former senior Staffers). But it’s fascinating to read about the topic with a historical perspective…

How to Handle Mini-Tender Offers

In this podcast, Bob Kuhns of Dorsey & Whitney explains how to handle mini-tender offers conducted by others, including:

– What is a “mini tender offer”?
– What do parties conducting mini tender offers file with the SEC?
– How can companies become aware that a mini tender is happening with their stock?
– What can companies do to combat mini tenders?

Exploring the New World of Web Disclosure

We have posted the transcript from our recent webcast: “Exploring the New World of Web Disclosure.”

– Broc Romanek