September 21, 2010
Today: “7th Annual Executive Compensation Conference”
Today is the “7th Annual Executive Compensation Conference“; yesterday was the “5th Annual Proxy Disclosure Conference” and the video archive of that Conference is already posted. Note you can still register to watch online by using your credit card and getting an ID/pw kicked out automatically to you without having to interface with our staff. Both Conferences are paired together; two Conferences for the price of one.
– How to Attend by Video Webcast: If you are registered to attend online, just go to the home page of or to watch it live or by archive (note that it will take about a day to post the video archives after it’s shown live). A prominent link called “Enter Today’s Conference” on the home pages of those sites will take you directly to today’s Conference.
Remember to use the ID and password that you received for the Conferences (which may not be your normal ID/password for or If you are experiencing technical problems, follow these webcast troubleshooting tips. Here is today’s Conference Agenda; times are Central.
– How to Earn CLE Online: Please read these FAQs about Earning CLE carefully to see if that is possible for you to earn CLE for watching online – and if so, how to accomplish that. Remember you will first need to input your bar number(s) and that you will need to click on the periodic “prompts” all throughout each Conference to earn credit. Both Conferences will be available for CLE credit in all states except for a few (but hours for each state vary; see the CLE list for each Conference in the FAQs).
Corp Fin Issues Five New XBRL CDIs
On Friday, Corp Fin issued five new CDIs regarding interactive data (ie. XBRL) – three of them related to Regulation S-K and two related to Regulation S-T. It also withdrew two ’34 Act Form CDIs because they related to XBRL phase-in and were outdated (we are now through two phase-in periods with one more taking place next summer). Here are the new CDIs:
– New Question 146.14
– New Question 146.15
– New Question 146.16
– New Question 130.10
– New Question 131.01
Poll: Should the CEO Be a Team Job?
I saw this article from Fortune about whether the CEO title could be held by multiple persons at once. I’ll keep my opinion to myself and let you weigh in instead in this anonymous poll:
– Broc Romanek
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