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December 22, 2010

The Mighty Holiday Disclaimer: One That Any Lawyer Could Love!

In yesterday’s blog, I noted the heavy volume of electronic holiday cards and I was remiss in not highlighting this hilarious card from Manatt. The whole darn thing is funny – but probably the best part is the disclaimer at the end that I reproduce for you here:

The wishes provided herein represent the sentiment of the sender as of the date written and may not reflect the sender’s sentiments on the date this is first received or anytime thereafter. The sender reserves the right to deny the sender ever wished the recipient wishes, whether warm, cold or any temperature whatsoever. Also, the wishes are not dependent on warmth and may just be wishes, with all of the privileges accorded to the state of wishing, including grandiosity but not excluding practicality. The wish, whether warm, neutral or cold, is under no obligation to come true, but that does not exclude the possibility that it may come true.

A trained eye will recognize that the disclaimer is based on typical safe harbor language pulled from a press release or other writing…and this video ain’t bad either…

– Broc Romanek