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since 1975.

March 8, 2011

SEC’s New Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 114: A Clean-Up

Yesterday, the SEC’s Office of Chief Accountant and Corp Fin jointly issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 114, which revises or rescinds portions of the interpretive guidance included in the codification of the SAB Series. The update is intended to make the relevant interpretive guidance consistent with authoritative accounting guidance issued as part of FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification. The principal changes involve revision or removal of accounting guidance references and other conforming changes to ensure consistency of referencing throughout the SAB Series.

A List of Annual Meeting Dates & Locations: European-Style

Yesterday, I received this list of annual meeting dates and locations for companies located in Europe from an association for investors over there known as “VIP” (Vereinigung Institutionelle Privatanleger). It’s pretty nifty and got me wondering whether such a list exists for US companies that is publicly available? Shoot me an email if you know of one…

SEC’s Proposal: Incentive-Based Compensation for Large Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisors

Last week, the SEC proposed rule regarding incentive compensation for large brokers and investment advisors. Here’s the SEC’s press release – and here’s the proposing release in draft form (since other regulators need to sign off on this, the SEC posted it in draft form, which I believe is a “first”). Here’s Mike Melbinger’s blog on the proposal and we are posting memos in’s “Bonus” Practice Area.

– Broc Romanek