September 13, 2011
The 9th Say-on-Pay Lawsuit – and More!
Last week, the 9th company that failed to garner majority support for their say-on-pay was sued – Dex One Corp in a federal district court in North Carolina (here’s the complaint). We continue to post pleadings from these cases in’s “Say-on-Pay” Practice Area.
But that’s not all in the area of lawsuits over pay practices. Last week, Chesapeake Energy’s board was sued for allegedly bailing the company’s CEO out of financial trouble by awarding him bonuses – as well as buying his personal art collection for $12.1 million and relying only on the CEO’s art dealer for determining the value of the art – in a federal district court in Oklahoma. Not sure why, but it doesn’t seem like the mass media has caught up with this one. Thanks to Paul Hastings’ Mark Poerio for pointing it out!
And then as I blogged last week on’s “The Advisors’ Blog,” arguments where just made in a lawsuit in the Delaware Chancery Court over Goldman Sach’s pay practices. If the case survives, it should be interesting – as will the Citigroup case where discovery ended last week and now we’re just waiting for a trial date to be set before VC Glasscock…
Our Conference Hotel is Nearly Sold Out!
Our pair of popular executive pay conferences – “6th Annual Proxy Disclosure Conference” & “The Say-on-Pay Workshop Conference” – is quickly approaching and the Conference hotel is nearly sold out; register for the Conference today and make your hotel reservations online or by calling them at 800.445.8667 or 415.771.1400. Be sure to mention the Conferences to get the best rate. The Conferences will be held on November 1-2 in San Francisco and by video webcast. If you have difficulty securing a room, contact us at 925.685.5111.
With Conference registrations going strong – on track to reach nearly 2000 attendees – you don’t want to be caught unprepared as we head into next year. The last time we held our Conferences in San Francisco – two years ago at the height of the recession – we sold out a month in advance: the Conference itself, not just the hotel! And that was without the reality of Dodd-Frank and mandatory say-on-pay hanging over our heads. Register today to ensure you don’t miss out.
Webcast: “Current Developments in Capital Raising”
Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “Current Developments in Capital Raising” – to hear John Jenkins of Calfee Halter, Michael Kaplan of Davis Polk, Louis Lehot of Sheppard Mullin, and Dave Lynn of and Morrison & Foerster explore the latest developments in the capital markets, including alternatives such as PIPEs, registered direct offerings, “at-the-market” offerings, equity line financing and rights offers.
– Broc Romanek
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