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October 27, 2011

A “Wow”: CEO Pushes Reg FD Limits on Twitter

This blog from Dominic Jones of IR Web Report is a “must” read. I’m going to tease it out by excerpting the first few paragraphs below:

ALAN Meckler, CEO of WebMediaBrands Inc. (NASDAQ: WEBM), may be single-handedly redefining how corporate executives in the buttoned-down world of public companies communicate with their investors. The 64-year-old media entrepreneur, whose company owns interests in a number of online businesses and blogs, has been using Twitter to talk about his micro-cap company in ways that have stunned some observers and even drawn questions from the SEC.

While some in the conservative world of corporate disclosure have speculated about how Twitter might meet the SEC’s Reg FD requirements, Meckler appears to have made up his mind that Twitter is as good a channel as any to break news about everything from pending acquisitions to his next quarter’s results. The result is that investors in WEBM are being treated to a new level of access to their chief executive and board chairman, as well as unprecedented commentary and news about the company’s business in a real-time, abbreviated format that was previously unheard of.

It’s worth noting that Dominic just helped launch a free online IR ranking service – Investis Online IR Rankings – that should help companies gauge how they are doing with their online presence in investor relations. The initial launch includes the S&P 100, as well as a bunch of European companies. The US companies do not do well…

Time to Vote: Vote for This Blog Today

I’m excited to note that this blog was selected by LexisNexis yesterday as a “Top 25 Business Law Blog” – and that there is a voting contest among the 25 that ends on November 5th (we won the voting contest last year!) Here is the announcement – and more importantly, here’s where you can vote. Simply scroll down and click on the circle to the left of “” (it’s the 3rd bullet from the bottom) – then click “Vote” at the bottom of the page. I’m also excited that my Blog made the Top 25…

Mailed: September-October Issue of “The Corporate Executive”

We just mailed the September-October Issue of The Corporate Executive and it includes pieces on:

– What’s in Store for Say-on-Pay in 2012?
– Modifying Awards in Response to Say-on-Pay
– Trap for Unwary Executives: Cost-Basis Reporting Going Into Effect in 2012
– Tax Deposits for RS/RSUs

Act Now: Get this issue for free when you try a 2012 No-Risk Trial today.

– Broc Romanek