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November 9, 2011

Failed Say-on-Pay #44: Regis Receives Only 29% Support!

As Ted Allen blogged yesterday, Regis Corporation received more than 71% opposition to its say-on-pay at its annual meeting, which is the greatest dissent seen so far this year. We have added the Regis Form 8-K to our list of failed say-on-pays in our “Say-on-Pay” Practice Area on

Venture-Backed Companies: Corporate Governance & Disclosure Practices in IPOs

Recently, Wilson Sonsini wrote this 19-page report on the governance and disclosure practices of 50 venture-backed companies that went public from January 2010 through June 2011, including those related to directors and independence, board committees and policies, stock plans, key metrics and non-GAAP measures and defensive measures.

You may also want to check out this presentation by Mark Suster called “The State of Venture Capital and the Internet,” as well as this recent Davis Polk survey on IPO governance practices.

Webcast Transcript: “Lyin’, Cheatin’ and M&A Stealin’: Negotiating the Fraud Exception”

We have posted the transcript for the webcast: “Lyin’, Cheatin’ and M&A Stealin’: Negotiating the Fraud Exception.”

Next Thursday – November 17th – is the Society of Corporate Secretaries’ “Issues Update,” which is an online event. Check it out!

– Broc Romanek

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