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since 1975.

December 16, 2011

A Retrospective: Ten Years as An Online Personality

Wow. Back in February of this year, I passed the decade mark since I launched my maiden site, (here’s how that site looked when I first launched). As the year ends and I wind down on blogging for the holidays, I am going to toot my own horn as a lot has happened since the beginning including these milestones:

1. Created a total of 14 sites – a few of which never saw the light of day.
2. Became one of the first lawyers to blog, starting in May 2002. Now I blog daily on five blogs.
3. One of the first lawyers to conduct webcasts, starting in 2002. 175 webcasts and counting.
4. One of the first to show a conference live via video webcast, starting in 2004.
5. One of the first to post podcasts, starting in 2005. For the three years before that, I posted text transcripts of interviews. Over 400 podcasts and counting.
6. Been actively fostering a vibrant Q&A Forum dialogue with members since 2003. Across all our sites, 20,000 questions and counting.
7. Been actively benchmarking practices online since 2003, either directly on our sites or in our blogs. 125 surveys and counting.
8. Through “The Blue Justice League,” became the first lawyer – as far as I am aware of – to create an online business casual game in 2008.

I’ve also been one of the first lawyers to actively use LinkedIn (since ’06), Twitter (since ’07, using different account than my primary one now), Quora (since ’10), etc. Maybe one day I will grow up to be a “Legal Rebel“…

It looks like Congress has narrowly averted a government shutdown once again. In case final negotiations fall through, here are the SEC’s plans in the event of a shutdown. And here is the SEC’s Enforcement Director’s statement about the agency’s decision to appeal Judge Rakoff’s decision about the Citi settlement in the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit….

How to Get a Job

In this podcast, James Martin of DHR International explains how to tweak the board evaluation process to make them more effective, including:

– With the most pronounced legal hiring recession over the last few years in modern history, is there a trend in legal hiring?
– Are law firms hiring again and if so what are they looking for?
– Should I stay with my existing firm or is now the time to start to look for that perfect in-house position?
– Should I stay with my existing in-house position or is not the time to look for a better opportunity?
– Should I stay with my existing firm or is not the time to look for a law firm with a better platform for my practice?

More on “The Mentor Blog”

We continue to post new items daily on our blog – “The Mentor Blog” – for members. Members can sign up to get that blog pushed out to them via email whenever there is a new entry by simply inputting their email address on the left side of that blog. Here are some of the latest entries:

– Watch Those Other Broker Charges
– Evidence: Effects of Prescribing Majority Voting as the Default Voting Standard
– Investors Back Majority Voting as Default Legal Standard
– Another Interview with Bob Monks
– #occupywallstreet: Live!

– Broc Romanek

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