February 29, 2012
SEC Commissioner Aguilar Urges Mandated Political Spending Disclosure
Last week, SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar delivered this speech – entitled “Shining a Light on Expenditures of Shareholder Money” – urging the SEC to act in the newly hot area of political contribution disclosures (Vanessa Schoenthaler’s blog notes Chair Schapiro’s comments on the topic). Here are other speeches delivered during PLI’s “SEC Speaks” Conference:
– Chair Schapiro on agency redesign and operating strategy
– Commissioner Walter on the meaning of being a Commissioner
– Commissioner Paredes on the Volcker Rule
– Commissioner Gallagher on failure to supervise
I have blogged other notes from the conference, both on “The Mentor Blog” (accounting, enforcement and litigation perspective) – and on CompensationStandards.com “The Advisors Blog” (Corp Fin on Form S-3 waivers for failure to amend Form 8-Ks and report say-on-pay frequency voting results).
By the way, the SEC has redesigned its “Speeches and Public Statements” page so that you can more easily sort out speeches by a specific speaker, etc.
Transcript: “The Exploding World of Political Contributions”
We have posted the transcript for our recent webcast: “The Exploding World of Political Contributions.”
Webcast: “Conduct of the Annual Meeting”
Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “Conduct of the Annual Meeting” – to hear Kathy Gibson of Campbell Soup, Carl Hagberg of The Shareholder Service Optimizer, Bob Lamm of Pfizer, Barbara Mathews of Edison International and Carol Ward of Kraft Foods explain how they handle the many challenges of running an annual shareholders meeting.
How old were you when you when you found out that ‘Leap Day William‘ wasn’t real? A classic from “30 Rock” if you missed it. Up there with Seinfeld’s creation of Festivus…
– Broc Romanek
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