April 17, 2012
Corp Fin Issues 17 More JOBS Act FAQs
Yesterday, Corp Fin issued 17 FAQs helping to interpret a bunch of issues regarding “emerging growth companies” under Title I of the JOBS Act – including scaled disclosure – ahead of the SEC’s rulemaking in this area. Here’s a Cooley alert describing these FAQs. I continue to post oodles of memos, etc. in our “JOBS Act” Practice Area, including this redline of how the ’33 and ’34 Acts have been altered…
In his blog today, Keith Bishop notes that the JOBS Act weighs in at less than 9000 words – compared to 360k for Dodd-Frank – but yet has a surprising number of technical errors…
Dave & Marty on More JOBS Act Guidance
In this podcast, Dave Lynn and Marty Dunn engage in a lively discussion of the latest developments in securities laws, corporate governance, and pop culture. Topics include:
– Determining emerging growth company status
– Navigating the confidential submission process for registration statements
– Staff guidance on Exchange Act Section 12(g) thresholds
– Dave’s & Marty’s crowdfunding endeavors (or lack thereof)
Tune in next Tuesday for the 75-minute webcast: “JOBS Act & More: How Private Placements and Reg D Are Changing.”
Transcript: “What the Top Compensation Consultants Are NOW Telling Compensation Committees”
We have posted the transcript for the recent CompensationStandards.com webcast: “What the Top Compensation Consultants Are NOW Telling Compensation Committees.”
– Broc Romanek
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