Providing practical guidance
since 1975.

June 22, 2012

Our New “Legal Proceedings Disclosure Handbook”

Spanking brand new. Posted in our “Legal Proceedings Disclosure ” Practice Area, this comprehensive “Legal Proceedings Disclosure Handbook” provides practical guidance about the challenges of Item 103 of Regulation S-K.

Congress Writes the Book: “IPOs for Dummies”

Yes, Congress passed a comprehensive reform of the IPO process just a few months ago (JOBS Act). Yes, Congress did so without holding a single hearing. Yes, Congress is now complaining the IPO process is broken and needs reform. You can’t make this stuff up folks. One member asked: “If Congress reforms the IPO process 3x per year. How many years will it take for them to get it right?”

See this letter from the head of the House Financial Services Committee Darrell Issa (R-Ca.) – although Democrats are agreeing with this notion too. And here’s a WSJ article – and Prof. Bainbridge blog about it.

The Latest D&O Insurance Developments

In this podcast, Tom Bentz of Holland & Knight explains the latest in D&O insurance, including:

– What are the latest developments in D&O insurance?
– What role does the recent explosion in M&A litigation play in D&O insurance?
– What are some of the most common mistakes companies make regarding their D&O insurance?
– What should directors do now to make sure that they have broad coverage?

Deal Cube Tournament: Round Two; 3rd Match

As noted in these rules (and keep sending more pics for the next tourney), please vote for two of the following four cubes below:

Movie Projector & Ticket
Lava Lamp
Tipping Bucket
Listerine Bottle

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– Broc Romanek

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