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August 27, 2012

SEC Staff’s FAQs: Research Analysts and Underwriters

On Thursday, the SEC’s Division of Trading and Markets issued this set of 14 FAQs about research analysts and underwriters. As noted in this memo, the FAQs are consistent with positions announced by the Staff at various conferences, but do contain some new information, and provide a helpful written statement of SEC staff positions on several important matters.

Facebook’s California Fairness Hearing

The mass media has studiously covered the steady drop in Facebook’s stock price – including the recent expiration of lock-ups last week (also see Robert White’s blog regarding the lock-up lessons learned) – but only Keith Bishop has followed Facebook’s request for a fairness hearing before the California Department of Corporations for its acquisition of Instagram. Check out Keith’s program guide to the fairness hearing.

ISS Extends Policy Survey Period Til This Friday

ISS has extended its survey period through this Friday, August 31, and will be followed by an open comment period in October after which ISS will publish its draft policies. Unless specifically requested by the submitter, feedback received during the October open comment period will be made available publicly via ISS’ online Policy Gateway.

– Broc Romanek

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