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November 21, 2012

Glass Lewis Finally Releases ’13 Policy Updates to Public

Yesterday, Glass Lewis released its 2013 policy updates to the general public, a few weeks after it released them to its clients. We will be posting memos on the updates in the “Proxy Advisors” Practice Area.

Rumors Over SEC Chair Schapiro’s Departure Intensify

Here is a WSJ article that speculates on whom the next SEC Chair could be…Mary John Miller, a top Treasury Department official who played a key role during the debt-ceiling debate. Here’s an article outlining a speech that Mary Miller recently delivered on regulation…

SEC Brings Insider Trading Case Involving $276 Million Scheme

Yesterday, the SEC charged a hedge fund in a $276 million insider trading scheme involving a clinical trial for an Alzheimer’s drug being jointly developed by two pharmaceutical companies. The illicit gains generated in this scheme make it the largest insider trading case ever charged by the SEC. Here are thoughts from David Smyth of “Cady Bar the Door” about the case…

– Broc Romanek