December 5, 2012
Corp Fin Director Meredith Cross to Leave the SEC
Yesterday, the SEC announced that Meredith Cross would be leaving as Corp Fin Director at the end of the year. During her three and a half year tenure, Meredith accomplished an amazing array of rulemaking – having had to navigate both Dodd-Frank and the JOBS Act. I worked under Meredith during her earlier stint in Corp Fin and can attest to her remarkable acumen and practical approach to solving problems. As gleaned from our list, Meredith served at the 16th Director of the Division – and is only the second woman in that position. So who’s next? That is a tough one to guess…
Iran & Syria Sanctions: Corp Fin Issues 7 CDIs
Yesterday, Corp Fin issued 7 Compliance & Disclosure Interpretations relating to Section 13(r) of the ’34 Act, which was created by the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012.
Webcast: “How the SEC Really Works”
Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “How the SEC Really Works” – to navigate the lore – and detect the myths – of how the SEC works. There are many more Offices and Divisions than most realize. Join SEC Secretary Betsy Murphy and a group of experts that have worked at high levels within the SEC – Latham & Watkin’s Alex Cohen (former Deputy Chief of Staff for SEC Chair Chris Cox) and Hunton & Williams Scott Kimpel (former Counsel to Commissioner Troy Paredes).
Among the topics of this program are:
– What the SEC Commissioners actually do and how they fit into the SEC’s org chart
– Overview of the Sunshine Act, which bears on how the Commission meets – and how to communicate with SEC Commissioners
– How Enforcement cases are deliberated
– How rulemakings come together, from kernel of an idea to proposal to adoption
– What are the Offices of General Counsel, Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Public Affairs, etc.
– Broc Romanek
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