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since 1975.

January 4, 2013

Should the SEC Be Giving Investment Advice?

Maybe this has been happening for a while but this bulletin from the SEC’s Office of Investor Education & Advocacy caught my eye because it provides year-end investment considerations. It dishes out advice similar to the type you get from your broker – asset allocation, rebalancing and tax considerations (even mentioning the fiscal cliff). Is this the type of thing that a federal agency should be doing? And as long as the SEC is going over the basics of conventional wisdom, shouldn’t it mention to “buy low and sell high”?

CII Petitions SEC for Rule 10b5-1 Guidance

Last week, the Council of Institutional Investors submitted this rulemaking petition to the SEC to tighten rules on 10b5-1 plans (here’s a Cooley news brief that describes the petition). Personally, I think we need to see more evidence of abuse beyond the recent WSJ article that piggybacked on this academic study. Anyways. learn more about what you can do to protect yourself know if the wake of all this interest during our upcoming webcast: “Rule 10b5-1 Plans Under Attack: The Latest Practices.”

Renew Now for ’13: Grace Period Ends Late Today!

As all memberships expired on December 31st, please renew now if you haven’t yet renewed your membership for for ’13. The grace period for this site will end on Monday night – and you will need to renew to access these upcoming programs:

“Dissecting the Quarterly Earnings Process” (1/10)
“The ‘Former’ Corp Fin Staff Speaks” (1/16)
“Pat McGurn’s Forecast for 2013 Proxy Season: Wild and Woolly” (1/24)
“Rule 10b5-1 Plans Under Attack: The Latest Practices” (2/5)
“Conduct of the Annual Meeting” (3/5)

– Broc Romanek

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