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May 7, 2013

Webcast: “Social Media: Parsing the Hypos”

Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “Social Media: Parsing the Hypos” – during which two legal pros (Dave Lynn & Davis Polk’s Joe Hall) and two IR pros (Q4’s Darrell Heaps & IR Web Report’s Dominic Jones) will join an in-house lawyer – Zillow’s Brad Owens – to parse a group of hypotheticals to determine what is feasible – and what is not – under the SEC’s Regulation FD framework. The panel will also cover what are effective IR strategies to leverage social media and more. Please print off the hypotheticals in advance.

Meanwhile, there are now 11 companies that have filed Form 8-Ks announcing the use of social media channels. Here is my list with links to all those 8-Ks.

Survey: Corporate Leadership Lacking on Social Media

A while back, The Conference Board put out these survey results that found limited use and understanding of social media among officers and directors. The survey notes that while 90% of respondents claim to understand the impact that social media can have on their company, just 32% monitor social media to detect risks to their business activities and 14% use metrics from social media to measure corporate performance – and only 24% of senior managers and 8% of directors receive reports containing summary information. Notably, half of the companies don’t collect this information at all.

If It Didn’t Happen on Twitter, It Didn’t Really Happen. Here’s Why.

Great food for thought from Mark Suster’s blog entitled “If It Didn’t Happen on Twitter, It Didn’t Really Happen. Here’s Why.”

– Broc Romanek

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