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since 1975.

July 19, 2013

Sights of the Society of Corporate Secretaries Conference

Heading into last week’s annual conference for the Society of Corporate Secretaries, I blogged about my video on “how to attend conferences” – and I said I would take my own advice and meet ten new people. Here are pics from conference with the ten new people that I met (note the hand signs indicating the # of each person):

Todd Hamblet of Covington & Burling:

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Joe Campbell of Computershare:

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Todd Gilman of TrueBlue:

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Karen Martin, wife of the Society’s David Martin:

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Melissa Caen of Southern Company:

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Craig Brown of MasterCard:

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Tim Olson of Northwestern Company & Cathy Conlon of Broadridge:

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Caryn Feinberg of SecondMarket:

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Kate Karas of SecondMarket:

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Thanks to American Stock Transfer/AST for a great party on Wednesday! Here is the view:

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And thanks to Broadridge for the dinner on Thursday. Here I am with Maryellen Anderson:

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Finally, kudos to Microsoft (John Seethoff/Peter Kraus/Stacy Anderson) for the rocking give-away hats!

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– Broc Romanek

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