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since 1975.

July 1, 2013

The Latest Crowdfunding News

In this blog, Steve Quinlivan provides the latest in crowdfunding – including more Congressional testimony. Meanwhile, in our “Crowdfunding” Practice Area, I have posted this PowerPoint that goes over the state of play for crowdfunding from Kelley Drye’s Jeanne Solomon, Matthew Zucker and Maura Gallagher.

Here are other newsworthy items:

ABA’s Multi-Committee Comment Letter on Section 12(g)
Bloomberg’s “Kansas and Georgia Beat the SEC on Crowdfunding Rules. Now Others Are Trying
Morrison & Foerster’s “Hearing on Capital Formation”’s “How Venture Capital and Crowdfunding Can Coexist”
SEC Forum on Small Capital Formation’s Final Report

The Sequester is Real (Even If It Fell from the National News)

Still no word on how the sequester might impact the SEC, but I can tell you from living inside the Beltway that the sequester is real and starting to take effect. Many of my neighbors and friends have received furlough notices from federal agencies and will not be working one day every two-week pay period. Their workload will remain the same of course – but they are not allowed to work on their furloughed day off, even if they want to! Learn more about how the sequester is impacting us in this David Cay Johnston piece. And today’s Washington Post ran this article about the sequester…

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– Broc Romanek

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