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August 16, 2013

Business Groups Appeal the Conflict Minerals Court Decision

As noted in this WSJ article, the National Association of Manufacturers, Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable have filed a notice of intent to appeal the recent DC District Court ruling that upheld the conflict mineral rules promulgated by the SEC. Initial documents related to the appeal are due on September 12th.

Yesterday, Dr. Mike Piwowar was sworn in as an SEC Commissioner by the SEC’s Los Angeles Regional Office Director.

The GAO’s Report on Conflict Minerals

As noted in this Cooley news brief, the GAO recently published this report on the effectiveness of the SEC’s rules on conflict minerals as required by Section 1502 of Dodd-Frank.

The Importance of Realism in Startups

Even if you have no interest in start-ups or venture capital, this 12-minute video with Mark Suster is worth watching as he describes how he learned from his failures…

– Broc Romanek