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September 3, 2013

SEC’s Filing Fees Going Down 6% for Fiscal Year 2014

On Friday, the SEC issued its 1st fee advisory for 2014 (along with this methodology). Right now, the filing fee rate for Securities Act registration statements is $136.40 million (the same rate applies under Sections 13(e) and 14(g)). Under the fee advisory, this rate will dip to $128.80 per million, a 6% drop. Nice to see a reduction after last year’s hefty price hike.

As noted in the SEC order, the new fees will go into effect on October 1st like the last two years (as mandated by Dodd-Frank) – which is a departure from years before that when the new rate didn’t become effective until five days after the date of enactment of the SEC’s appropriation for the new year – which often was delayed well beyond the October 1st start of the government’s fiscal year as Congress and the President battled over the government’s budget.

Back to school, ready to be a geek

Use a Form S-8, Go To Jail! (Really)

Keith Bishop provides another reason for us to never get out of bed with his scary blog entitled “Use A Form S-8, Go To Jail! (Really).

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