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since 1975.

October 29, 2013

Shareholder Proposals: John Chevedden’s Profile

Hats off to Ross Kerber of Reuters for taking the time to write this lengthy profile of John Chevedden (along with this slideshow)! In our community, John is discussed a lot – but we knew so little about the man. Until now. In our “Shareholder Proposals” Practice Area, I’ve added it to other profiles of proponents…

For stats on how various shareholder proposals fared this year, see the entry I just posted on the “Proxy Season Blog“…

Transcript: “The Shareholder Proposal Process: Practice Pointers”

We have posted the transcript for the webcast: “The Shareholder Proposal Process: Practice Pointers.”

Webcast: “Tender Offers Under the New Delaware Law”

Tune in tomorrow for the webcast – “Tender Offers Under the New Delaware Law” – during which the primary drafters of the new Delaware law that facilitates the use of more efficient tender offer structures – Potter Anderson’s Mark Morton and Morris Nichols’ Eric Klinger-Wilensky – along with Latham & Watkins’ Brad Faris will help us understand how it should be best interpreted as well as describe the early experience under the new statute.

– Broc Romanek

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