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since 1975.

November 14, 2013

Corp Fin Issues 11 New CDIs: Rules 506(c) & 144A

Yesterday, Corp Fin updated its “Securities Act Rules Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations” to provide 11 new interpretations (here they are in one document, courtesy of MoFo) regarding Rule 506(c) and revised Rule 144A – the general solicitation guidance is here! There are two new CDIs in Section 138 and nine new CDIs in Section 260 of the Securities Act Rules CDIs.

Catch Up Now: “Crafting SEC Rulemaking Comments” Spreecast

Yesterday, Hunton & Williams’ Scott Kimpel and Bass Berry’s Jay Knight spent 20 minutes on this spreecast – “Crafting SEC Rulemaking Comments” – about how to best craft a persuasive comment letter on a SEC rulemaking. The archive is now available – with over 250 views already!

How to Research SEC Filings

In this podcast, Gary Sangha, CEO of Intelligize, discusses how his service works, including:

– What is Intelligize?
– How do your law firm clients use the service?
– How about in-house clients?
– What has surprised you about how clients use your services?

– Broc Romanek

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