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since 1975.

November 12, 2013

Dave & Marty: Together Again!

Yesterday brought the earthshaking news that Marty Dunn has joined Morrison & Foerster. Dave & Marty are together again, having worked as a team before at the SEC. Is this akin to LeBron, D Wade and Chris Bosh joining forces in Miami? Or the birth of the “Super Friends” cartoon? Congrats to both of them!

Tune in today for the webcast – “Audit Committees in Action: The Latest Developments” – during which PCAOB Board Member Jay Hanson, Morgan Lewis’ Linda Griggs, Home Depot’s Stacy Ingram and Deloitte’s Bob Kueppers will analyze all the latest developments impacting the audit committee.

Are You Creative? The 2014 SEC Calendar Contest

Come on and participate in a contest that Bradley Smith of PR Newswire has put together for a “2014 SEC Calendar.” Art or photo submissions are due by December 7th. I am serving as one of the judges. Bribes are always welcome…

Poll: Nickname for the Dave & Marty Team

Vote on how you prefer to refer to the Dave & Marty team going forward (vote total will be binding):



– Broc Romanek

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