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since 1975.

February 28, 2014

Directors as Whistleblowers? Now That’s Novel!

In her blog, Francine McKenna describes – in great detail – how an audit committee member came to become a whistleblower. That’s something I had never heard of happening before. The whistleblower director was at AgFeed, one of the Chinese frauds in the news…

Cat Fight? NASAA Kindly Objects to SEC’s Regulation A+ Proposal – Other State Commissioners Not So Much

As Keith Bishop blogs, the association for state securities regulators – NASAA – recently submitted this comment letter on the SEC’s Regulation A+ proposal, objecting to potentially being exempted from these offerings.

Keith goes on to note 3 other comment letters – from the state securities commissioners in Arkansas, Nebraska and Massachusetts – who complained much more loudly. As Keith notes, states really have lost much of their regulatory authority over the years and maybe they are at that “last gasp” stage. Sorry states! It’s not a battle you are likely to win. The “futures” on blue sky lawyers just went down another 10%…

Next-Gen Datarooms

In this podcast, Matt Little of PKWARE explains how his software enables lawyers and other deal participants to securely access and share files without using a data room, including:

– What can happen if practitioners don’t address data security issues if they aren’t using a traditional or virtual data room?
– Minimum someone should do to address data security challenges?
– What Viivo is, and how it’s used in the context of a deal?
– What factors should be considered in determining whether to use a product like Viivo vs. a data room?
– What are some success stories?

– Broc Romanek

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