March 26, 2014
32 Cool Things About Prudential’s ’14 Proxy Statement
The hits keep on coming! In this 2-minute video, find out 32 great ways that Prudential Financial (Peggy Foran & her team) enhances the usability of its 2014 proxy statement (with Addison’s help). In particular, check out this infographic about the company’s value creation model – part of its commitment to integrated reporting:
The video above doesn’t address the online version of the proxy statement – which is worth a video on its own!
Exclusive Forum Bylaws: An Illinois Court Weighs In
Brad Davey & Chris Kelly of Potter Anderson gives us this news:
In this transcript ruling, an Illinois state court dismissed an action brought by purported stockholders of Beam Inc. challenging Beam’s proposed acquisition by Suntory Holdings Limited. The Illinois court ruled that the action was barred by a bylaw adopted by Beam’s board of directors selecting Delaware as the exclusive forum for resolution of certain disputes involving the internal affairs of the corporation. The Illinois court relied heavily on the Delaware Court of Chancery’s decision in Boilermakers Local 154 Retirement Fund v. Chevron Corp., wherein then-Chancellor Strine upheld similar exclusive forum bylaws adopted by the boards of Chevron and FedEx. The Illinois court factually distinguished Galaviz v. Berg, a California federal court case that refused to honor an exclusive forum bylaw adopted by Oracle, but also stated that the Boilermakers decision is “simply more persuasive analytically.”
Courts in New York and Louisiana have also dismissed stockholder actions in reliance on exclusive-bylaws in favor of Delaware.
Transcript: “The Top Compensation Consultants Speak”
We have posted the transcript for the recent webcast: “The Top Compensation Consultants Speak.”
– Broc Romanek
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