March 19, 2014
Will the Real ISS Buyer Please Stand Up? Vestar Capital Partners
Yesterday morning, I got this press release announcing that ISS had been sold by MSCI to Vestar Capital Partners to the tune of $364 million. Drats! Fooled again by a rumor in the mass media as I had blogged last week about another likely purchaser due to a WSJ article.
The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter. ISS will operate independently and the current ISS executive team will remain in place. Here’s a Reuters’ article…
CII’s Letter on Interim Vote Tallies
Concerns about who gets to see interim vote tallies continues. Here is CII’s recent letter to the SEC on the topic. And here is my 4-minute video entitled “Broadridge’s Interim Vote Tally Policies”…
Transcript: “The SEC Staff on International Issues”
We have posted the transcript of the recent webcast: “The SEC Staff on International Issues.”
By the way, here’s is the SEC’s 2015 budget justification…
Thanks for the Gumball Mickey: Luse Gorman
The fine lawyers at Luse Gorman in DC play homage to the old Hasbro TV commercial in this 30-second video:
– Broc Romanek
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