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since 1975.

March 19, 2014

Will the Real ISS Buyer Please Stand Up? Vestar Capital Partners

Yesterday morning, I got this press release announcing that ISS had been sold by MSCI to Vestar Capital Partners to the tune of $364 million. Drats! Fooled again by a rumor in the mass media as I had blogged last week about another likely purchaser due to a WSJ article.

The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter. ISS will operate independently and the current ISS executive team will remain in place. Here’s a Reuters’ article

CII’s Letter on Interim Vote Tallies

Concerns about who gets to see interim vote tallies continues. Here is CII’s recent letter to the SEC on the topic. And here is my 4-minute video entitled “Broadridge’s Interim Vote Tally Policies”…

Transcript: “The SEC Staff on International Issues”

We have posted the transcript of the recent webcast: “The SEC Staff on International Issues.”

By the way, here’s is the SEC’s 2015 budget justification

Thanks for the Gumball Mickey: Luse Gorman

The fine lawyers at Luse Gorman in DC play homage to the old Hasbro TV commercial in this 30-second video:

– Broc Romanek

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