Frequently Asked Questions for Earning CLE Credit

Frequently Asked Questions for Earning CLE Credit

Jump to CLE FAQs for Archived Conference Sessions (ON-DEMAND)

Jump to CLE FAQs for In-Person Attendees (LIVE)

Jump to CLE FAQs for Virtual Attendees (LIVE)

CLE FAQs for Archived Conference Sessions (ON-DEMAND)

To earn on-demand Continuing Legal Credit (CLE) credit for the 2024 Proxy Disclosure and 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences, please read these FAQs carefully:

  1. Is CLE credit available for watching the on-demand archived conference sessions?
    • Yes, you may be able to earn CLE credit for watching on-demand archived conference sessions. You must follow the instructions outlined below.
  2. How do I earn CLE credit for on-demand sessions or tracks?
    • Because some states will not approve on-demand course credits under one hour, we have combined sessions lasting less than one hour in our conference archive so that they may qualify for on-demand CLE credit. On-demand CLE credit is available for each hour-long individual session or combined track, but you may not mix and match portions of individual sessions or tracks and receive credit. You are also ineligible to receive on-demand credit for any session or combined track if you applied for credit for any portion of that session or combined track as a live attendee.
    • Watch the entire session and/or “track” without skipping ahead or closing the screen. When the session has concluded, please click the link at the bottom of the video player, “Click Here to Access the Form,” and enter your state and license information plus the CLE “code word” specific to the session, provided in the session description.
    • All approvals are at the decision of the state bar based on content and deadlines. The CLE provider for this event, CEU Institute (national CLE provider,, will seek National CLE credit for this conference. All credits are pending state decisions. A CLE certificate will be sent if/when approved by that state.
  3. May I view the on-demand archived conference sessions from a conference room and still earn CLE?
    • We recommend attending from a computer or the conference app so that the appropriate information is captured for each individual; however, we can accommodate groups through the use of attestations and a monitor affidavit. For more information, please email Jacki Brinker at
  4. How will I be able to sign in for CLE credit if I watch the web conferences from my own computer?
    • Watch the entire session and/or “track” without skipping ahead or closing the screen. When the session has concluded, please click the link at the bottom of the video player, “Click Here to Access the Form,” and enter your state and license information plus the CLE “code word” specific to the session, provided in the session description.
    • All approvals are at the decision of the state bar based on content and deadlines. The CLE provider for this event, CEU Institute (national CLE provider,, will seek National CLE credit for this conference. All credits are pending state decisions. A CLE certificate will be sent if/when approved by that state.
  5. How do I receive a CLE certificate?
    • You must watch each session and/or “track” in its entirety (you may not mix and match portions of individual sessions or tracks and receive credit) and complete the CLE form link in the session description.
    • You are ineligible to receive on-demand credit for any session or combined track if you applied for credit for any portion of that session or combined track as a live attendee.
    • Our CLE provider will process CLE credits to your state bar and also send a CLE certificate to your attention within 30 days of viewing the on-demand webcast.
    • Should you have further questions about CLE credits, please contact our CLE provider: CEU Institute 800.556.3559,
  6. What should I do if the state I seek credit for is listed in your list as “pending”?
    • If you seek CLE credit for one of the few states where our application is pending, we will send a CLE certificate if/when approved by that state.
    • We are applying for up to 12 hours of CLE credit for the live sessions of the 2024 Proxy Disclosure & 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences in applicable states – approvals of actual credit vary based on each state.
    • All approvals are at the decision of the state bar based on content and deadlines. The CLE provider for this event, CEU Institute (national CLE provider,, will seek National CLE credit for this conference. All credits are pending state decisions.
    • Should you have further questions about CLE credits, please contact our CLE provider: CEU Institute 800.556.3559,

CLE FAQs for In-Person Attendees (LIVE)

To earn Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in person for our conferences, please read these FAQs carefully:

  1. Will CLE credit be available for those who attend our 2024 Proxy Disclosure and 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences in person on Oct 14-15, 2024?  
    • Yes, CLE credit in various states will be available for attending live sessions virtually.
    • We are applying for up to 12 hours of CLE credit for live sessions of the 2024 Proxy Disclosure & 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences in applicable states — approvals of actual credit vary based on each state. You will need to attend the live sessions to be eligible to earn all or a portion of this form of credit.
  2. How will my CLE credit be tracked onsite during the conferences?
    • In-person attendees will be provided with a link to a form from our CLE processor, CEU Institute, to track their attendance. This link will be available onsite in the conference room and via the conference platform and app. To receive CLE credit, in-person attendees are required to track which sessions they attend via the form provided by CEU Insitute. In-person attendees are not required to provide “code words” to receive CLE credit. There is a “Save and Resume Later” button at the bottom of the form should attendees want to save their attendance as they go.
  3. How do I receive a CLE certificate?
    • You will receive an email from our CLE credit processor, CEU Institute, following the conference with a link to complete the application process, including confirming your state and license information.
    • Should you have further questions about CLE credits, please contact our CLE provider: CEU Institute 800.556.3559,
  4. What should I do if the state I seek credit for is listed in your list as “pending”?
    • If you seek CLE credit for one of the few states where our application is pending, we will send a CLE certificate if/when approved by that state.
    • We are applying for up to 12 hours of CLE credit for the live sessions of the 2024 Proxy Disclosure & 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences in applicable states – approvals of actual credit vary based on each state.
    • All approvals are at the decision of the state bar based on content and deadlines. The CLE provider for this event, CEU Institute (national CLE provider,, will seek National CLE credit for this conference. All credits are pending state decisions.
    • Should you have further questions about CLE credits, please contact our CLE provider: CEU Institute 800.556.3559,

CLE FAQs for Virtual Attendees (LIVE)

To earn Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in person for our conferences, please read these FAQs carefully:

  1. Will CLE credit be available for those who attend the live virtual sessions of our 2024 Proxy Disclosure and 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences on Oct 14-15, 2024?
    • Yes, CLE credit in various states will be available for attending live sessions virtually.
    • We are applying for up to 12 hours of CLE credit for live sessions of the 2024 Proxy Disclosure & 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences in applicable states - approvals of actual credit vary based on each state. You will need to attend the live sessions to be eligible to earn all or a portion of this form of credit.
    • Instructions for earning CLE credit virtually will be provided on the conference platform and app during the conferences.
  2. How will my CLE credits be tracked virtually during the conferences?
    • Virtual attendees will be provided with a link to a form from our CLE processor, CEU Institute, during the conferences to track their attendance. This link will be available via the conference platform and app. To receive CLE credit, virtual attendees are required to track which sessions they attend via the form provided by CEU Insitute. Virtual attendees must also enter specific "code words" into the form during eligible sessions. The session “code words” will be provided during the live sessions via the conference platform stage chat. The “code words” will be pinned to the virtual stage chat halfway through eligible sessions. Please enter the “code words” in the form or make note of them promptly as they will be unpinned from the stage chat once the session ends. There is a "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of the form should attendees want to save their attendance as they go.
  3. May I view the live virtual conference sessions from a conference room and still earn CLE credit?
    • We recommend attending from a computer or the conference app so that the appropriate information is captured for each individual. However, we can accommodate groups through the use of attestations and a monitor affidavit. For more information, please email Jacki Brinker at
  4. How will I be able to sign in for CLE credit if I watch the live virtual conference sessions from my own computer?
    • When you log onto the conference platform to view live sessions, your name and the time you attend each session will be tracked and sent to our CLE provider. Our provider will calculate your time attended. You only need to log in to the conference platform and follow the CLE credit prompts to enter specific “code words” while attending each session.
  5. How will I be able to sign in for CLE credit if I watch the live virtual conference sessions from my own computer?
    • When you log into the conference platform to view live sessions, your name and the time you attend each session will be tracked and sent to our CLE provider. Our provider will calculate your time attended. You only need to log in to the conference platform and follow the CLE credit prompts to enter specific “code words” while attending each session.
  6. How do I receive a CLE certificate?
    • You will receive an email from our CLE credit processor, CEU Institute, following the conference with a link to complete the application process.
    • Should you have further questions about CLE credits, please contact our CLE provider: CEU Institute 800.556.3559,
  7. What should I do if the state I seek credit for is listed in your list as “pending”?
    • If you seek CLE credit for one of the few states where our application is pending, we will send a CLE certificate if/when approved by that state.
    • We are applying for up to 12 hours of CLE credit for the live sessions of the 2024 Proxy Disclosure & 21st Annual Executive Compensation Conferences in applicable states – approvals of actual credit vary based on each state.
    • All approvals are at the decision of the state bar based on content and deadlines. The CLE provider for this event, CEU Institute (national CLE provider,, will seek National CLE credit for this conference. All credits are pending state decisions.
    • Should you have further questions about CLE credits, please contact our CLE provider: CEU Institute 800.556.3559,