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Inside Track with Liz: Tara Dunn & Dr. Stef Johnson on Implicit Bias (1/24/19)


Tara Dunn & Dr. Stef Johnson

Tara Dunn has spent many years practicing at national and international law firms and as in-house counsel. She currently runs HighMark Law in Denver.
Dr. Stefanie Johnson is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of Colorado Boulder's Leeds School of Business, studying leadership & diversity.

In this podcast, we discuss how implicit bias is a barrier to achieving board diversity - and provide some practical tips to overcome it. Topics include:

  • How does unconscious bias impact the director search process?
  • Does implementing a Rooney Rule take care of the problem?
  • What would you say to companies who worry that restricting their options is not in the best interest of shareholders?
  • Are there other practical steps that boards could take to address this issue?
  • What can people do to counteract unconscious bias that they hold themselves or experience from others?

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The views set forth in the podcast are the speakers' personal views and do not necessarily reflect those of the firm with which they are associated.