Timely Takes Podcast: Planning & Executing Better Board Meetings



Charles Glick is Chairman & CEO at Corporate Governance Partners  

Charles Glick is Chairman & CEO at Corporate Governance Partners, Inc., makers of Foresight BoardOps, a cloud-based solution for planning, operating and analyzing the work of public company boards of directors. It helps eliminate regulatory surprises, provides benchmarking tools, and elevates a board's true priorities, with targeted information and analytics. If you'd like to provide email feedback on the podcast or the “Brief Guide for Board & Committee Chairs” that we discussed, you can reach Charles at cglick@corpgovpartners.com.


  1. How can the chairperson ensure efficient decision-making during board and committee meetings?
  2. What strategies can be employed to handle conflicts or disagreements among directors?
  3. What should you consider when setting a board's first-ever meeting agenda?
  4. How should you prioritize board agendas?
  5. What are some common mistakes when setting agendas?

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The views set forth in the podcast are the speaker's personal views and do not necessarily reflect those of their firm, company, institution, other organizations, or any of the clients with which they are associated.