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Survey Results: Annual Meeting Conduct

1. To attend our annual meeting, our company: (select all that apply)

  Answer Responses Percent  
Requires pre-registration by shareholders 6 16.2%
Encourages pre-registration by shareholders but it’s not required 3 8.1%
Requires shareholders to bring an entry pass that was included in the proxy materials (along with ID) 5 13.5%
Encourages shareholders to bring an entry pass but it’s not required 4 10.8%
Will allow any shareholder to attend if they bring proof of ownership 28 75.7%
Will allow anyone to attend even if they don’t have proof of ownership 4 10.8%

2. During our annual meeting, our company: (select only one)

  Answer Responses Percent  
We hand out rules of conduct that limit each shareholder’s time to no more than 2 minutes 11 29.7%
We hand out rules of conduct that limit each shareholder’s time to no more than 3 minutes 13 35.1%
We hand out rules of conduct that limit each shareholder’s time to no more than 5 minutes 2 5.4%
We announce a policy that limits each shareholder’s time to no more than 2 minutes (but rules are not handed out) 1 2.7%
We announce a policy that limit each shareholder’s time to no more than 3 minutes (but rules are not handed out) 0 0.0%
We announce a policy that limit each shareholder’s time to no more than 5 minutes (but rules are not handed out) 1 2.7%
There is no limit on how long a shareholder can talk (subject to the inherent authority of the Chair to cut off discussion at any time) 9 24.3%

3. For our annual meeting, our company: (select only one)

  Answer Responses Percent  
Provides an audio webcast of the physical meeting, including posting an archive 9 24.3%
Provides an audio webcast of the physical meeting, but does not post an archive 1 2.7%
Has provided an audio webcast of the physical meeting in the past, but discontinued that practice 1 2.7%
Is considering providing an audio webcast of the physical meeting but haven’t decided yet 0 0.0%
Provides a video webcast of the physical meeting (or is considering doing so) 3 8.1%
Does not provide an audio nor a video webcast of the physical meeting 23 62.2%

4. At our annual meeting, our company: (select only one)

  Answer Responses Percent  
Announces the preliminary results of the vote on each matter (unless special circumstances arise such as a very close vote) 33 89.2%
Doesn’t announce the preliminary results of the vote on each matter 4 10.8%

5. For our annual meeting: (select all that apply)

  Answer Responses Percent  
Our CEO makes a presentation and takes Q&A from the audience 28 90.3%
Our CEO makes a presentation but no Q&A from the audience 1 3.2%
We are considering revising next year’s format to eliminate the CEO presentation 1 3.2%
We are considering revising next year’s format to eliminate the Q&A 1 3.2%
We are considering revising next year’s format other than the CEO presentation and Q&A but haven’t decided yet 1 3.2%

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