Providing practical guidance since 1975.

Survey Results: Regulation FD Policies & Practices

1. Our company has a written policy addressing Regulation FD practices: (select only one)
  Answer Responses Percent  
Yes, and it is publicly available on our website 3 5.1%
Yes, but it is not publicly available on our website 38 64.4%
No, but we are in the process of drafting such a policy 4 6.8%
No, and we do not intend to adopt such a policy in the near future 14 23.7%

2. For Regulation FD purposes, our company believes: (select only one)
  Answer Responses Percent  
Our website is a “recognized channel of distribution” 17 29.3%
We are still studying whether our website is a “recognized channel of distribution” 10 17.2%
Our website is not a “recognized channel of distribution” 30 51.7%
I don’t even know what this question means 1 1.7%

3. Compared to our insider trading policy, our Regulation FD policy: (select all that apply)
  Answer Responses Percent  
Has the exact same parameters 18 34.0%
Our Regulation FD policy imposes a quiet period that starts earlier than our insider trading policy 3 5.7%
Our Regulation FD policy imposes a quiet period that starts later than our insider trading policy 13 24.5%
Our Regulation FD policy imposes a quiet period that lasts longer than our insider trading policy 3 5.7%
Our Regulation FD policy imposes a quiet period that lasts shorter than our insider trading policy 15 28.3%
We don’t have a Regulation FD policy 14 26.4%

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