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Survey Results: Compensation Committee Meetings/Disclosure Committee Meetings

1. In the wake of the SEC’s new compensation disclosure rules, our compensation committee has the following people attend their meetings: (Total responses: n=106)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=61 (57.55%) General counsel
n=36 (33.96%) Securities law counsel
n=9 (8.49%) Employee benefits law counsel
n=63 (59.43%) Head of Human Resources department
n=26 (24.53%) Other member of Human Resources department
n=53 (50.00%) Corporate secretary or assistant corporate secretary

2. Does someone from your independent auditor attend your disclosure committee meetings: (Total responses: n=98)
(select only one)
n=65 (66.33%) No; no one from the independent auditor attends any disclosure committee meetings
n=18 (18.37%) Some; someone from the independent auditor attends some of the disclosure committee meetings (e.g. just selected meetings such as those relating to financial reports or earnings releases)
n=15 (15.31%) All of them; someone from the independent auditor attends all of the disclosure committee meetings

3. If someone from your independent auditor attends some or all of your disclosure committee meetings, does that person: (Total responses: n=31)
(select only one)
n=9 (29.03%) Independent auditor requested the right to attend
n=22 (70.97%) Company requested that someone from the independent auditor attend

4. If someone from your independent auditor attends some or all of your disclosure committee meetings, what is the purpose for attendance: (Total responses: n=34)
(select only one)
n=11 (32.35%) To function as an active participant in the deliberations of the disclosure committee
n=12 (35.29%) To serve in an advisory capacity and answer questions if asked
n=7 (20.59%) To monitor and record the activities of the disclosure committee
n=4 (11.76%) Other