Has your company adopted a policy for shareholder communications
with directors? |
Yes 32 / 43.2% |
No, but we are considering adopting
such a policy 35 / 47.3% |
No 7 / 9.5% |
Does your company have a policy that addresses "filtering"
communications that come in addressed to directors? |
Yes 23 / 31.5% |
No, but we are considering adopting
such a policy 31 / 26% |
No 19 / 26% |
3. If
your company has adopted processes by which shareholders can
communicate with directors, indicate if it will include one or
more of the following methods: |
regular mail 46 / 62.2% |
email 24 / 32.4% |
telephone (not necessarily to
directors directly ' for example, can be corporate secretary's
phone number) 16 / 21.6% |
Who within your company processes communications from
shareholders? |
Corporate Secretary 43 / 64.2% |
General Counsel 10 / 14.9% |
Investor Relations 9 / 13.4% |
Director 1 / 1.5% |
Other Type of Compliance Officer 4 /
6% |