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Survey Results: Internal Audit

To whom does your internal audit head directly report to at your company: (Total responses: n=42)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=5 (11.90%) CEO
n=15 (35.71%) CFO
n=10 (23.81%) General Counsel
n=13 (30.95%) Audit Committee Chair
n=0 (0.00%) Lead Director or Non-Executive Chair
n=2 (4.76%) Other
n=2 (4.76%) We don't have an internal audit head

Does the head of internal audit attend your company's board meetings?(Total responses: n=37)
(select only one)
n=3 (8.11%) Yes, the internal audit head attends at least a portion of all board meetings
n=1 (2.70%) Yes, the internal audit head attends at least a portion of some board meetings
n=8 (21.62%) The internal audit head rarely attends board meetings
n=25 (67.57%) The internal audit head doesn't attend board meetings

Does the head of internal audit attend your company's audit committee meetings?(Total responses: n=37)
(select only one)
n=34 (91.89%) Yes, the internal audit head attends at least a portion of all audit committee meetings
n=3 (8.11%) Yes, the internal audit head attends at least a portion of some audit committee meetings
n=0 (0.00%) The internal audit head rarely attends audit committee meetings
n=0 (0.00%) The internal audit head doesn't attend audit committee meetings

Does the head of internal audit attend your company's board committee meetings, other than audit committee meetings?(Total responses: n=37)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=2 (5.41%) Yes, the internal audit head attends one or more governance committee meetings
n=0 (0.00%) Yes, the internal audit head attends one or more compensation committee meetings
n=1 (2.70%) Yes, the internal audit head attends one or more other board committee meetings (eg. risk management or finance committees)
n=34 (91.89%) No, the internal audit head doesn't attend board committee meetings, other than audit committee meetings