Providing practical guidance since 1975.

Survey Results: Director Education/Orientation

1. Does your board require directors to obtain continuous education: (Total responses: n=33)
(select only one)
n=5 (15.15%) Yes
n=2 (6.06%) Not anymore, we removed the requirement over the past year
n=26 (78.79%) Never did require it

2. If you answered "not anymore" or "never" above, does your board encourage directors to obtain continuous education: (Total responses: n=27)
(select only one)
n=21 (77.78%) Yes
n=4 (14.81%) No
n=2 (7.41%) Not yet, but it's under consideration

3. Do any of your directors obtain – or will obtain during the next year - continuous education by: (Total responses: n=32)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=15 (46.88%) Third-party director colleges
n=13 (40.63%) Third-party education provided in-house (i.e. the teachers come to the boardroom)
n=23 (71.88%) Other educational opportunities ( in-house training in the boardroom, "homework," plant visits)
n=5 (15.63%) Doubt they will obtain any director education over the next year

4. If your directors obtain continuous education, are the topics covered: (Total responses: n=30)
(select only one)
n=7 (23.33%) More business/operational in nature
n=23 (76.67%) More legal/governance/ethics in nature

5. Does your company have a director orientation program for new directors: (Total responses: n=33)
(select only one)
n=24 (72.73%) Yes
n=9 (27.27%) No

6. Does the board require new directors to participate in the company's director orientation program: (Total responses: n=33)
(select only one)
n=23 (69.70%) Yes
n=10 (30.30%) No

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