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Survey Results: Director Recruitment

When your company recruits new directors, do you conduct a background check on the candidates? (Total responses: n=17)
(select only one)
n=11 (64.71%) Yes
n=6 (35.29%) No

If you answered 'yes' to number one, does your company: (Total responses: n=11)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=7 (63.64%) Use a third-party to conduct the background check (e.g. private investigator)
n=4 (36.36%) Use internal resources to conduct the background check

If you answered 'yes' to number one, does your company: (Total responses: n=10)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=10 (100.00%) Check the background of the candidate's professional life
n=6 (60.00%) Check the background of the candidate's personal life