Providing practical guidance since 1975.

Survey Results: Code of Ethics and the Board

1. Which board committee typically reviews (and approves) your company's Code of Ethics policy:(Total responses: n=38)
(select only one)
n=22 (57.89%) Corporate Governance committee
n=12 (31.58%) Audit committee
n=0 (0.00%) Compensation committee
n=0 (0.00%) Compliance committee
n=1 (2.63%) Other board committee
n=3 (7.89%) No board committee

2. Which board committee "enforces" (or handles complaints related to) the business conduct provisions of your company's Code of Ethics such as confidentiality, use of corporate assets, etc.: (Total responses: n=38)
(select all that apply, may total more than 100%)
n=12 (31.58%) Corporate Governance committee
n=26 (68.42%) Audit committee
n=0 (0.00%) Compensation committee
n=0 (0.00%) Compliance committee
n=1 (2.63%) Other board committee
n=0 (0.00%) No board committee

3. Our company has a separate Code of Ethics - one for our senior financial officers and a separate one for all our employees: (Total responses: n=37)
(select only one)
n=6 (16.22%) Yes, they are separate
n=31 (83.78%) No, there is only one Code that applies to both senior financial officers and all employees

4. Our company has a separate Code of Ethics - one for our Board of Directors and a separate one for our employees: (Total responses: n=38)
(select only one)
n=5 (13.16%) Yes, they are separate
n=33 (86.84%) No, there is only one Code that applies to both directors and employees

5. When it comes to the Code of Ethics that applies to our directors, our Board: (Total responses: n=38)
(select only one)
n=7 (18.42%) Is required to sit through actual ethics training
n=6 (15.79%) Is offered an ethics training class if they wish to sit through it
n=25 (65.79%) Just gets copies of the Board's Code of Ethics